http://youtube.com/watch?v=2Rrs8-oqCDMi want to watch the entire episode.
i love george clooney in it ("The Cloonster" as i like to call him) - he's kind of like Schneider from
One Day At A Time.... both handymen..lisa smolkin and i have a joke about Schneider..all we have to do is say the word:
and it's peals of laughter for 5 minutes
at least
S- if you are reading this - i got the Hello, Blue Roses disc in the mail yesterday. It's so beautiful. I cried. The sweetheart duo is.......IS RULING!
And I wore the H.B.R. t-shirt (w/ tiny bell sleeves) you screened right away and then to bed.
I'm designing a book cover for Lisa Foad. She is a writer from TO, ON. Her writing is INTENSE! It's the real kind. It's rock'n'roll writing. So hells yeah i'll do the cover! One of the characters is named GOLD. Gold is a constant, predominant symbol in my life right now: Country Bunny and the Little Gold Shoes - a feminist bunny story from the 1930s. The Sea of Tea bought it for me just before Easter. It's a beautiful book about a mum bunny with 21 children..she does it all. Cover is above Schneider. Where else would it be?
Also gold: neil young's Harvest (my favourite album cover of all time), lisa prentice's costume at the C>R>E>A>M> party - come dress according to your relationship to money - rich or poor she came as gold, living in the yukon - the gold rush, after the gold rush, an idea to do a painting of a gold toilet seat..well, you get the picture. I came here to strike gold. The Yukon. I'm striking it in my own way. The only way I know how.
I walk thru the snow to get to work (a barely part-time job which suits me just fine since i have about 7 of my own jobs). It's all melting now. It's mudslide and clay now. I am still waiting for my new Hunter gum boots to arrive. They're made in *Scotland* by appointment of Her Majesty the Queen.
Sea of Tea, inspired by.
I go to the pool alot in the Yukon. It's up the street across the Alaskan Highway. When I first got here - just after Halloween - I went almost everyday. I sat in the sauna and the heart-shaped whirlpool. It was all i could do - aside from cry every day. The water is a big help. It was especially helpful to jump in the cold water and then back to the sauna or steamroom.
The other night there was this amazing treat lady there! she must be in her early 50s but *looks* and acts like a 25-year old. She looks like she lives in her bikini and on the beach all day all night. She has long, permed banger hair, toes rings, coral nail polish, bikini from mexico and major fake'n'bake. You can't help but notice her while doing AQUASIZE or aquafit....she's cruising back and forth.
Best part: i go into the sauna and there she is stretched out occupying 5 seats like she's in a bacardi rum or malibu ad. She's got her tunes cranked. I am dying to find out what she is listening to. I sat there and sat there waiting..trying to hear it over the din of lifeguard's choice outside that accessible flaming lips album...i'm about to pass out from the heat but i won't give up till i find out. Finally she gets up and unplugs...i said with a big friendly smile:
Watcha listening to?
She widesmiles back banger style: Oh yeah, whatever i can download...(flips her hair back)..you know...NICKELBACK
That's the Jackpot! That's GOLD.
It was a moment i wish i could have shared with someone i no longer share those kinds of moments with. we shared many, many NICKELBACK moments together. Many chad kroeger moments..culiminating with the fool as my facebook friend.
you must laugh
to keep from crying.
maybe i'll make some art about it (the lady in the sauna that is...i really wish i had my camera)
my goal is to post photos from my time up here in the yukon. I take lots of photos out in the woods on my walks. I've captured some really beautiful scenery. My time here
could possibly be in its final stretch...we have the house till mid-summer and after that Cathy Lee Coats the Flower Fairy is coming up to meet me and we might drive back. I don't know. I'm a roller and a gypsy queen so WHO KNOWS?
In the meantime, I am completely enjoying the extended daylight. It's already starting. It is still light out at 9:45 pm. And the aurora is kicking in. Ben and I saw a glorious version the other night. Finally! it's been months that i've been waiting. This aurora was stretched across the sky - like neon buried under carbon. I swear to god, you can feel the electro-magnetic force. I have evidence.
PS i'm really into making Lisa Foad's book cover. I get to do whatever I want. I've been scanning all night. She is so lovely to work with - so respectful of my art. I can feel it coming in the air tonight.
I'm also trying to locate a pair of size 7.5 Air Jordans online...or the very least nike high-tops...in a dark colour. I hate ebay so far..living remote, i have to rely on the internet for locating what i need/want...what are ebay tips?
It's late. Time for bed.
love sonja