oh man. i found the best thing i've seen on etsy in a long time! Crocheted baby birkenstocks!
Heather's Treasure Box.
Ya Heather! I just sent her a 'convo': You're a genius!
She also has little knitted cowboy boots, hiking boots, brown WORK BOOTS, bowling shoes, converse of course..but better yet! LILAC converse (just like in Marie Antoinette - there is that momentary flash under all the frippery & finery. An Anachronism. Dunst wore them the whole shoot underneath all of those beautiful cake gowns)
a friend of a friend - laura jane's friend - Emily - is sailing around the world! 24 years old. She has a fantastical project and fantastical voyage planned. Read it all about it! Godspeed to her! I pledged and i will get a present in the mail. She was a genius about the fundraising. For every $1, $5, $10, $15 - $5,000 she offered a generous thank you - sending out polaroids from her voyage, whistles, sailor hats, origami sailboats and so forth upping the ante.
Let's Sail Around The World!
(interesting to note: she is 24. To circumnavigate the world: $24,000 miles. She would like to do this in 24 months)
My birthday is coming up: September 24, 2009. Notes to Selves. Post-it Notes To Selves.
I will not cry on my birthday this year. I promise myself.
(still finishing my book: The Selves)
And lastly, my beautiful friend Amanda recommended a book:
A book I read this summer that you may like is: The Elegance of the Hedgehog by Muriel Barbery
There is an analyst in Paris who prescribes the book to her patients instead of anti-depressants!
i will suggest something very dumb right now. I will suggest Twilight Zone theme song kick in.