Last nite i was up till the wee hours working on
THE SELVES, stealing songs off the INTERNET when it occured to me whilst d-loading scout niblett: "by gum, i dont have 'bette davis eyes' in my library" This spawned an hour of KIM CARNES TROLLING. Who knew? My cool mom would crank KC's album
VOYEUR. It was played so often the album art was always in view therefore seared into my brain. (We had an excellent stereo system).
(note: i did a very unsuccessful karaoke of 'bette davis eyes' a few weeks ago. I was mad @ myself. It is a challenging song to karaoke (all restraint). Fortunately i killed it later with 'Toxic').
Back to Kim. The real gem I dug up is a song called "Breaking Away From Sanity" which is a low-tempo highly catchy ballad w/ a CHILDRENS CHORUS.
The kids are singing:
I'm breakin' away from sanity
Showin' the ghost inside of me
I'm running away
From you and me
Breakin' away from sanity
Breakin' away from sanity
Unfortunately there is no video for this song but you can hear it
here.There is, however, an excellent video for synth-heavy awesomeness:
THISIf I were to make a video for a song that I liked, I would use elements of this video and then I'd modernize it somehow - even though 'our modern' is pritt-tee lame these days. I'd have to work it through.
Here is
VOYEUR. It is truly degraded. It is 1982. It might be a video some random made of a TV screen. A 'screener'. There is also a 'live' version of Kim lip-synching 'Voyeur' wearing a
very bad silver outfit and pulling some very bad moves. She's the total poster lady for BLUSHER. ('she knows just what it takes/to make a pro blush'. One of the more quizzical lyrics I know. Oh wait. There's:
I don't know what to do and I'm always in the dark
We're living in a powder keg and giving off sparks
from 'total eclipse of the heart'. Powder keg? What? Classic examples of a songwriting team@ 3 30 A.M. scrambling for a lyric.
Back to VOYEUR. The chorus is SO GOOD. I love it.