what? oh ya. i have a blog. it's been awhile b/c i've been really busy making bunnies. duh squared. all the world knows. all the world doesn't care. rah rah rah. and yes. i can only do so much multi-tasking at once. i realize this takes 5 minutes to update...but i'd rather spend...TWENTY MINUTES writing an email (letter) to a friend when i have NO TIME. so i'll blog about a blog: GOOP.
wtf is that sh*t?
what does that MEAN????inner aspect?
what? i dont have one? cos i starved it to death cos i fed it cheezies? is that like tamagachi?)
INNER ASPECT. that makes NO SENSE..gwyneth. take off, eh? so those who dont know that's paltrow's blog's tagline...for her blog 'goop'. last nite whilst trying to pass right out i thot, 'why 'goop'?' then i thot of her initials..so it's probably a childhood nickname. check. GP. etc. etc. et cetera. SHE is the only one nourshing HER inner aspect b/c CLEARLY she needs to.
but it's all goop..i mean. it's all good. she knows PLENTY *wait* ALL the famous people so that makes it all okay okay okay.
bye bye bye
(i hv to wake up in a few hours. again. i've been working 16 hr days for weeks and weeks and weeks now gearing up for the 'one of a kind show' and it's total craft olympics 2010 in advance. now i have to SELL all of the units and this is not hard and i didn't make enough b/c i was finishing my book till october and then i had to stop and get an extended deadline and now i'm scared cos i'm running out of stock. it's scary to watch my bunnies disappear sometimes. like bye bye friend! but i'm finding good homes for them. thank the world. i'm so tired i feel like i'm on crack and acid..whatever that would feel like. plus the air is so dry in there..like real dry and there are hundreds and hundreds of people wandering and shopping. it's quite the H1-N1 scene).
ps oh and that's cat power fr awhile back and as usual it has nothing to do w/ anything.