time for a sneak peak of my new book cover!
i'm SO STOKED on this cover. it happened like magic on the scanner. basically i had nothing to do with it. tell me what you think.
i found this link via 'The Comicbook Reporter'. if you scroll to the very end, you'll find me. That's right.
i attempted 'edge of seventeen' last nite at karaoke. that was so bad. hardly anyone was there (fortunately) but i definitely disgraced myself several times over. i apologized to the folks who were there. what else did i wreck? i seemed to have blocked it out. that song is OUT OF HAND. the only person who can pull it off is stevie nicks herself. although elisa - body double duet - rescued it. i just stood there shaking my head.
today i went to a really nice toy store on roncesvalles 'scooter girl'. i was meeting a lady who ordered a custom black angora bunny. i picked out a few SCHLEICH animals for my collection. The Sea Of Tea got me into those. I got a polar bear, an ostrich and a tiny black bear who looks like Frances (manx cat gone). The polar bear is good value - only $6.49 for basically a small sculpture. But this might be a gift for a polar bear friend. I know. this is fascinating.
um i better get back to packing. again. not quite a master yet.
that entry just felt like a bad note i passed in class. SORRY! i might as well be karaoke-ing 'edge of seventeen'. o. wait lindsay lohan can do that song!