i'd like to work in clothes like that.

see. she's being freed from the rock.

People Staring At Art.
just came in from the bush with all these pussywillows..kinda like
thislast week on FACEBOOK (or 'faceplant' as my friend's dad likes to call it..like 3 years ago), i posted:
"the pussywillows grow wild in these parts"
(which they do in the yukon)
this induced a truly ridiculous mini train of head in gutter/wheel in the ditch style. i wanted to post the above visual as my new STATUS UPDATE but decided NOT b/c i dont want to play reindeer games on FACEBOOK..but honestly...i got
that many pussywillows..as led zep 4 guy.
Camille Claudel
Apparently if you are a very good sculptor (a master), and you are gouging away and chipping and hammering onto and into your medium of choice..say..marble...then you are basically releasing the people stuck inside the rock.
that sounds like a good job. i wouldn't mind hammering away on something.
Camille Claudel is a really good
movie.She makes an appearance in
The Selves