I love the CBC!
i better get some sleep so i can get my radio head on...woah..where'd that come from? i'm in MONTREAL. yah! lighters up!
my friend's sister (my friend, too) who lives at the family condo answered the door with a fancy camera strapped to her neck cos she'd been out back taking photos of her friend modeling vintage clothing for etsy. natch-ur-ally ( just wrote that word on twitter re a blog dedicated to
bea arthur/mountains/pizza). "Natch" is one of the worst words ever. lazy ass cant say the other two syllables.
ALSO! i just had a great train trip from TO to Montreal. It's possible to sit next to someone incredible. I haven't had such a great trip partner since I met
Leah Singer on the bus going from NY to Montreal back in, like, 1992. I'm still hoarse from talking for 5hours straight.
So i was wandering around Montreal in a daze even though i just had TWO 'artisan coffees' (@ Cafe Myriade)...like wandering up rue st. catherine (am staying around the corner on GUY)...& i went into urban outfitters (!?) in a sleep dep state..trying on sunglasses (not bad) and looking at shoes (some kawaii (Japanese for cute but u knew that))...i haven't been in a U.O since maybe 2006...damn they have a lot of JUNK...their 'homewares/lifetyle section'...that's serious landfill. I felt embarrassed.
but there were some nice clothes. a few.
i went next door to an independently owned SPORTWEAR STORE and was chatting with the shopgirl (i was a shopgirl and i just re-watched that movie so it's on my mind. it's not condenscensionsation) who ran after me and asked if i was DUTCH b/c she had a bet with her boss. We chatted for awhile and i, in sleep dep, ballsily asked: If i bought a few pairs of Converse, would i be able to get a deal? Generally i would NEVER do this. Dickering gives me hives..but there were a few colours (like 'linen' and 'taupe' and mayb teal) i needed..she said 'oh ya! come back when my husband is working at such and such a time and he'll give you a deal for sure. i'll tell him tonite. He's Muslim and he's a runner'.
Yah Montreal..get to go hang out in you tomorrow.
thanks Maurice Vellekoop for the Diana image and Sea of Tea for the angora bunny....the holder of the bunny escapes me and i cant find it in my email but it's someone important.
that's Marilyn Monroe. It was her birthday yesterday (now all i seem to do is go to d-listed and borrow michael K's images...he does all the work. damn he's my favourite. not true. i just got the MM)...
that's also miss pamela des barres up there. i had an awful Twitter faux pas the other day. I mindlessly wrote:
Pamela Des Barres is constantly posting about her yard sales & ebay posts. This is the sh*t i learn on Twitter.
i actually meant to not send it and it was really just an observation. Because i follow her on Twitter, i guess her name showed up in the feed??? or maybe she follows me but there was a message '@fiercebunnies' (me) which shocked me and it read:
'I've only had one yard sale this year!'i was horrified and felt horrible. My pal Lisa pointed it out: instant karma.
i fully got the definition loud and clear. I think because i was already having a super horrible day, it was just the cherry on top.
Again, i only meant it as an observation but it came out sounding not nice and potentially not nice. Of course i'm into Miss Pamela! and i'd totally go to her garage sale. She's a minister and does rock and roll weddings. I'd hire her. But I'd rather my friend Lisa Smolkin performed the wedding cos she's my friend. Why do i speak of weddings? i dont even have a boyf...and i dont even think about such matters. I think it's b/c it's a typical girl thing (of me) to do and i would like to continue debunking these myths (to myself). Lady Diana only dreamed of getting married. I dont recommend this.
how is that for a train of thought?