Here are some interviews i have done in the last month.
this one is for the excellent WORN MAGAZINE. I am babbling about my idea of fashion:
Me Babbling About Fashion (which is kind of a hilarious concept)
One where I'm kind of emo/very exposing with Anne Elizabeth Moore
& one with the TORONTOIST with Dave Howard where we talked a bit about advertising and such
In other news, I'm about to hit the road AGAIN: here, here, here and HERE and the back again. I need a motor home.
And in other other news, I've been re-watching ENDLESS LOVE (1981) on youtube. That freaking movie!!! It's nuts. It was directed by Franco Zeffirelli who was also responsible for the 1968 Romeo And Juliet. This is basically a "modern version" of that: two teenagers so in love...they fall behind in their studies, brooke shields cant sleep, her bohemian family finally puts their foot down with DAVID who seems to have courted them all (weird confusion between the mother and DAVID. There's a scene where the mother spies on the teenagers 'making the love' in front of the fireplace IN THE LIVINGROOM of the family home. The cool doctor dad goes crazy on them and forbids them to see each other for 30 days. David can't go on (a scene of him in his room blasting 'i was made for loving you' by KISS. His mother does not understand. I wont give away the plot but it gets gnarly. If you dont want to know, dont read the next sentence. Basically there's a house fire and a psychiatric ward involved. Endless Love. I'm telling you. Dangereuse!
I have TWO COPIES of the soundtrack. I've also taken photographs of the TV screen while watching it (images of David wearing a sporty shirt with the jesus death year number 33. he's trying to ride his drop handle bike free style and looks truly gimped). I noticed this time around David and I have the same image of SATURN on our walls (from old National Geographic). Lots of planetary references. He wants to name a star after JADE (aka Brooke Shields).
James Spader plays the brother and a very gross young Tom Cruise has a slimy bit part. Ugh. He was so gross as a teenager. And as an...adult...now.
It's an awesome movie and you watch is here for free! If you're bored and need to do some work in front of your computer. Or want to have your MIND BLOW and a broken brain. It's a great movie.