I love Sasha dolls. That logo/font/photo/catalogue design makes me swoon. The Swiss know how to do it Right. When Sasha died, she requested for all the molds to be broken. Legend has it. Maybe I just made it up. All molds should be broken. Molds are made to be broken.
"Sasha Morgenthaler designed her dolls with a 'dream' in her mind - a vision of how a children would look and move in the age of innocence".
"Sasha dolls are characterized by a serious, open expression that seems to make them more adaptable to imaginative play than if they were forever smiling".
"Morgenthaler's original idea was for the dolls to represent an image of universal childhood, so from the beginning of mass-production, the vinyl was coffee-coloured so that they would not appear to belong to any one ethnic group. In the early 1970s, black dolls were introduced, first in an extremely dark complexion, then in a lighter complexion in the latter part of the decade. Around 1980, the "skin tone" of most of the "Caucasian" dolls was lightened".
That's Thurston and his daughter Coco up @ the top (I'm still on my SY jag). She has a fierce bunny. I sent one to Rita Ackermann and she wrote and said, 'Coco stole it'.
She was just tiny @ the time. It's all flattery.
I just spent the last idontevenknowhowlong salvaging a bunny. Hundreds and hundreds of ('why?')fixing up stitches only to be wrapped in fur. I played this game alot as a child. It's called 'Superfection'.
I can't just let these things go. I was born and raised a Salvager.
But. I can let everything else go.
Or try.
Die trying.