Monday, October 17, 2011


here are some elle fanning collages i was tinkering with while in dawson @ the residency a month or whatever ago. i had a break through while shifting the papers around and then realized 'oh, just photograph them'. Sometimes collage work can drive a person mad. There are too many possibilities. You have to force clarity and just commit.

Here is song of the week (just scroll past the chrissie hynde/joan jett image and 'ode to lydia lunch' text to 'all too human'. I cannot, for the life of me, place the jangly guitars..and what they remind me of..but it's so good)

1 comment:

Abby Stewart said...

dear sonja, your collages are the way i can only dream of collaging.

basement studio with monster hiding in the corner

basement studio with monster hiding in the corner


going on about Random Avenue, friends, art (maybe), rock (sometimes), movies, current events, childhood memories & other things like bunnies