i'm super embarrassed to like THIS SONG...(if u hit that link, dont watch the video. it's smut. it will rot your brain). I first heard it in Whitehorse on the car radio while Ben and I were @ Raven Recycling. You drive your sh*t down there and you sort it yourself. I love it (except when it's 30-below). So that stupid song came on and i'm all: What's this? (said in interest piqued question).
I heard it yesterday while I was picking up a few things in Kensington Market..even pretended to shop for some camo(flage) but was secretly just listening to that STUPID SONG.
the lyrics are out.of.hand.
out of control..of the hand.
so THEN! out of the blue, Elisa karaokes IT that last nite. I had a lil mini freakout/laughing my head OFF..DAMN GIRL she did a good job. it's sooooo much better when a ladychick sings it. Naturally.OBVS. It should only be sung by a feemail.
dude's trying to be 'respectful' in his song and with his lyrics but ya right. falls so very, very short. Nice try.
I've been texting Elisa all day: DAMN GIRL. hahahahaha.
Robert 'Genius' Dayton performed two Roxy Music songs...old ones. Pajamarama. Obviously Awesome.
I've been watching season 2 of UNITED STATES OF TARA. I do very much like that show. They are referencing SYBIL even more so...Tara is trying to do her REAL ART now...and a character played by Viola Davis said:
I thought that to be so great. Tara, again has dissociative identity disorder (aka DID). This is the new term. Schizophrenia was taken back years ago. So yes, Tara makes art with all of her selves. Ya! Sometimes I'm just on the money! Usually i'm so far ahead i'm behind. Maybe I just slowed down. It must be all the MIRE. It must be the molasses.
BTW, doesn't most of the world suffer from this? Identity crises? That's what I thought.
PS I want to send my book to Diablo Cody. I guess i could send her a twitter message. She's still one of the more interesting people to follow on Twitta. She's funny. She's WITH CHILD.
Speaking of funny..i was cruising around last nite in a ratty pink rabbit fur jacket pulled spontaneously out elisa rose's closet...i can feel the screaming rabbits thru the layers. this is not good. i have funny feelings about fur and if it's THERE it's THERE and all you can do it pay RESPECT TO IT...but sometimes..i can feel it..and what happened..before.
Oh yea! I posted THE SELVES on Etsy so it is up for sale through me directly. This way you get a signed copy and an inside look at my world class perfect wrap job and maybe I'll throw in a few other things. AND you can see your name all done up in my HANDSCRIPT. Damn girl! YAH! YOU KNOW that buying a book directly from me is the best way to go if you are an individual person..from one friend to the next. If you are store, you go the distro route.
PS the PAN PIPE is from my old boyfriend Mike Gabel. He says he is obsessed with panpipes right now and has discovered all these panpipe cover tune compilations. wtf? He just performed his Hot Breath Karaoke routine at the Tate Modern....one of my zines was lying around there as well (yes, on the floor of the Tate Modern...that's: zine). Thanks to Caitlin Jones and the Western Front!
For more information on this project NO SOUL FOR SALE, read THIS.
There's a character in Grant Morrison's run of Doom Patrol that has D.I.D. but she actually manifests herself as each one and they have different powers, it's actually more provocative than it sounds. One character has to go deep into her mind to rescue her 'main self.'
Oh, I know ya like persian cats, so check out the persian cat postcard I posted on my blog.
Karaoke clarification (like it really matters, ha!): Roxy Music- Virginia Plain, Stories- Brother Louie, Bee Gees-Lonely days.
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