Let's Start! O good. The entrance way is papered. I prefer if no one watches me work. I also wear headphones to block out all sound. There is very little documentation of me working and it's either total consternation on my face or the back of my head while I face the wall.

Surveying the room. Those are my lavender boots..getting more and more destroyed as the days go by (thanks Toronto!) Vinyl not on the wall yet.
Let's make it final/put it on vinyl! (just one of my song lyrics)

WHERE to start? it's best to lay everything out and assess. Synopsis: go the lady route/etsy and COLOUR BLOCK. That's Stevie Nicks with banger hair doing ballet. Probably my two favourite things together at last. Can u see her?

see..laying out. fortunately there is the awesome wood slab on wheels in the Magic Pony gallery (so that i may spread out).

The other view of The Slab

There's that cat!

That cat gets mileage. Perhaps she is watching down on alla this.

Kristin Weckworth modelling a new Barbapapa apron! She has the best last name. EPIC.

I'm really into the floor.

I printed out hundreds of pages from the book while i was working on it. I'm a recycler since birth but I eased up on my strict Recycling Regime while i was slaving away..of course i keep everything so what you see here are those rejected sheets. Wasting paper. Wasting inks. But not really cos i made this from the detritus.

I'm obsessed with cheesecloth right now. Two words that shouldn't go together. C.C is so beautiful. I am in love with it. Hundreds of threads barely held together. Feels like nothing. I was draping it over furniture...like ergonomic office chair (aka hideous to look at).Unveiling the Veil.
"That Was My Veil" by PJ Harvey & John Parish. A rare track I've been overlistening to. Back to C.Cloth... thrilling to toss over those pages on the floor. I topped it off with a pinky silver glitter. More thrills. (wait. nothing i do is tossed. i probably spent an hour carefully laying it over and adjusting/re-adjusting).

details. boots. walking.

Hard to see, right? That's the veil abstracting/diffusing.

Jerri Blank...by bwookie nechvatel.

On the other wall! a dtl here of random dimes. The queen side face up. decided to move up to dimes. i usually work with pennies. funny. i missed the pennies. almost ran out to get more and add to the other side of this wall collage but i was running out time and my gummy stuff to affix them to the wall. I am very into change.

No veil. If i ever get married, i'll wear a cheesecloth veil. Pfffffffffffft!

Other side...META meta collage. Metatarsal.

Kind of an inverted triangle. working downwards. I need to go back and take more detail shots b/c i was working with the light and placing 'shiny things'/metallics/glitter under those hot lights and this isn't documented. That was my favourite part.
but just to let you know i've been doing something. just to let myself know i've been doing something.
I like installation work. I've been making them since i was three years old.
I'm going to make an appointment to see the dentist now.
I wish I could see this installation in person!! The process of installing also looks really fun to me, but I also think that I'd hate to have people watching me while I worked on it.
Blog post of the year.
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