found this on Tumblr. I love this beautiful extraction of The Selves by Nikki. It is precisely (one of) the reason why i do any of this..so others can find themselves in the work i put out there...a blank screen for the reader's/viewer's projection:
Childhood, pop culture and the feminine. Holly Hobby. Babies. Kittens. Princess Diana. The Olsen twins. Sexuality. Violence. Collage. Scrapbooking. Fuzzy things. Cuddling. Subjectivity. Legibility / Illegibility.
“she will not be difficult to work with. When her
baby vomits gently over a purple Balenciaga
dress she apologizes by doesn’t fuss”
Gender, as in female. Cat’s cradle. The invention of childhood. It Is The Future. Feminazi. Nighties. Whitesnake. Drew Barrymore. Cri de Couer. Honey. Quilting. The Angel in the House. Pussy Willow said “Meow!” Degrassi Junior High. Romance Novels. My other car is a Broom. Love’s Baby Soft: Because innocence is sexier than you think. Queens. Crying. What’s her problem? The killing of the Unicorn.
I gotta stop being a bitch.
Birds. Lace. Cherry Blossoms. Hamsters. Protection. Softness.
and their
Adult Children
the other with freedom but no respect. But economics abhors a vac-
uum and the whore class—which over time grew to include strip-
pers, peep-sho
It was somebody else’s idea of ourselves.
not quite
She’s had enough.
Thank you, Nikki!As for "Madonna Shoe"...all those watercolours are by my favourite leading lady rendering Brooke Nechvatel. And since we're talking in turquoise...I'll leave you with 'Union City Blue' by Blondie...'re-arrange my mind/in turquoise/union city blue'
probably my favourite Blondie song. But. Then there's Dreaming
I'm going to ride the bike around the lake now. I'll dunk my head while I'm @ it.
thanks for being here!
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